Edward M. Messing, M.D., F.A.C.S.

A national leader in the field of urologic oncology, Dr. Messing brings his clinical and research expertise to all facets of the department.

He’s happy to talk about the phenomenal amount of research underway at Strong. “We have a lot of research projects dealing with prostate, bladder and kidney cancer. Some are basic lab projects and some involve clinical trials with patients. And some are transitional – going from the lab bench to the patient’s bedside. We tackle the hard questions about the diseases, the fundamental issues about why they can be deadly and how to stop them.”

These projects include investigations of the effectiveness of hormone therapies to treat prostate cancer and certain nutrients (such as Vitamin E) to prevent it, new ways to detect bladder cancer earlier and new drug treatments to prevent its recurrence, and the role of smoking and exposure to second hand smoke in getting bladder cancer.

But he’s even happier to talk about how all this research results in improvements to patient care. “That’s our primary goal. We want to treat patients personally, promptly and sensitively. We see some of the most complicated and unusual cases here, and we want to find the most appropriate and effective ways to treat them. The rigorous academic and research work we do helps us reach that goal.”

Contact Information

Box 656
601 Elmwood Ave
Rochester NY 14642-8656
Phone: 585-275-0998
Fax: 585-442-8350

Faculty Title

Winfield W. Scott Chair of Urology,
Professor of Urology and Oncology,
Deputy Director of the University of Rochester Cancer Center

Medical School

New York University, 1972


New York University Bellevue Medical Center, 1973


  • General Surgery, NYU-Bellevue, 1973-74
  • Urology, Stanford University, California, 1974-78


Tumor Immunology and Urologic Oncology, UCLA, 1980-82


American Board of Urology, 1980

Special Interests

Prevention, early detection, and treatment of urologic malignancies (prostate cancer, testicular mass or cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, adrenal tumor, penile cancer, urethral cancer), hematuria (blood in urine), elevated PSA or prostate nodule

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