Keeping Your Child Healthy

Nothing brings a parent more joy than to see their child happy and healthy. Likewise, nothing concerns a parent more than to see their child sick or injured. At Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong, we want to do all we can to help your child live a long and healthy life. Our professionals strive to meet this goal daily by providing excellent care, the most advanced treatments, timely education and information and cutting-edge research. However, as important as our staff is, your child’s most important advocate is you.

As a parent or guardian, you hold the key to your child’s health. You can give the gift of optimal health to your child through providing a healthy diet, exercise and play opportunities, regular medical and dental check-ups, and by providing a safe environment. Your child’s pediatrician and Golisano Children’s Hospital at Strong are here to help you and support you in this most worthwhile endeavor.

How You Can Keep Your Child Healthy

Preventing illness and injury is, of course, the best path to a healthy life. And there are many things you can do to prevent many of the things that commonly affect children. Find out more about:

And If Your Child Does Get Sick or Hurt

Unfortunately, children do get sick. Usually it is a minor condition, like the common cold or stomach virus; at times it can be more serious. Your pediatrician and the staff at Golisano Children’s Hospital will make every effort to diagnose and treat your child in the most efficient, caring, and compassionate manner possible.

Common Childhood Illnesses

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