Strong Health has many classes that will help prepare you for pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.
Highland’s Family Classes
Let us help prepare you each step of the way. Our classes for expectant parents include:
- Step One: Early Pregnancy
- Step Two: Mid to Late Pregnancy
- Step Three: Late Pregnancy
- Step Four: Postpartum
Class Registration Information
Classes are held at Highland Hospital. Pre-registration and prepayment is required. For more information on class fees, dates and times, call the Babyline at 585-473-2229, email [email protected] or see the class schedule.
You may register by phone with Mastercard or VISA or print a copy of the registration form * and mail it to: Highland’s Family Classes, Box 112, 1000 South Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620.
*You will need to have Adobe Acrobat reader installed to view this file.
Education Material Available For Loan At Highland
- Bedrest Basket—If you are on medical bedrest and unable to attend childbirth classes, a basket containing educational materials and pasttime activities is available for loan for three weeks.
- A Family Birth Rental Bag—If you are planning to have your children attend the birth of your baby, a bag containing educational materials for children and adults is available for loan for two weeks.
- Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Rental Bag—If you would like more information about V.B.A.C. delivery, a bag containing educational materials is available for loan for two weeks.
Strong Beginnings Classes
We currently offer the following classes:
- Exploring Breastfeeding
- Grandparents class
- Infant Massage
- Marvelous Multiples (couples expecting twins, triplets or more)
- Orientation Class and Walking Tour
- Prenatal Newborn Care
- Prepared Childbirth Refresher
- Prepared Childbirth Series
- Sibling class
All classes require pre-registration. Call and register as soon as possible. Upon registration you will be sent written confirmation including class location information. Refunds will be granted if you notify us 24 hours prior to your class.
A class may be cancelled due to low enrollment. There must be three or more more to conduct a class.
Please ask your care provider for our brochures, or call the Strong Beginnings Information Line at 585-275-0096 or 585-275-4058.
Some class discounts are available. If you have Blue Choice or Preferred Care insurance, contact us to see if there is a discount offered.