Look Your Best and Feel Your Best – Find Out If Facial Fillers and Enhancements Are Right For You
There are many ways to rejuvenate and enhance the appearance of your face. Botox, Hylaform, Cosmoderm and Cosmoplast, Sculptra, and Radiance are some of the most popular methods used today.
If you’re considering facial rejuvenation, join us for this FREE informational seminar. You’ll learn more about treatment options and how the procedure may help you.
Strong’s Specialists in Plastic Surgery Present:
“Facial Fillers and Enhancement”
Date: June 2, 2005
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Clinton Crossings, 995 Senator Keating Blvd.
Building E, 2nd Floor, Rochester, NY 14618
(In Brighton near the corner of S. Clinton and Westfall)
Map and directions to Clinton Crossings
To register, call 275-2838 or 1-888-661-6162.