To gauge your own likelihood of developing heart disease, review the following risk factors. The fewer risk factors that apply to you, the better your prospects are to avoid heart disease.
Major Cardiac Risk Factors:
- Diabetes
- Smoking
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol)
- Family member with heart disease
- Obesity
Minor Cardiac Risk Factors:
- Women (postmenopausal)
- Men (aged 45 or above)
- Type A personality
- High stress job
- Sedentary habits
- High resting heart rate (pulse of 75 or above/minute)
Blood Work Factors:
High Homocysteine levels (Homocysteinemia)
High Fibrinogen level
High Lipoprotein level -Lp(a)
High platelet count
Small dense low-density Lipoproteins
Thick blood (hypercoagulability)
What You Can Do
Look at the total number of risk factors that apply to you and work toward eliminating or minimizing all that you can. For example: If you are overweight, lose weight. If you smoke, quit. If your job is stressful, work to reduce that stress through exercise, meditation, yoga, cognitive psychology, or other means. The best treatment plan is founded on a factual assessment of your known risks. Once you have such an assessment and a plan of action, be sure to follow through. Your life may depend on it.
If You Think You May Be at High Risk For Heart Disease, We Can Help.
The Strong Health Preventive Cardiology Program helps people get on track for a healthier life. The program is primarily geared for people without known heart disease but who have risk factors.
How Often Should You See a Doctor For a Heart Disease Checkup?
Most experts agree that if you are healthy, you should get a regular checkup:
Twice during your 20s (every 5 years)
Three times during your 30s (every 3 to 4 years)
Four times during your 40s (every 2 to 3 years)
Five times during your 50s (every 2 years)
Every year once you reach age 60
Did You Know?
Even with no overt symptoms, people with many risk factors for heart disease like hypertension, diabetes, and obesity, should be treated as aggressively as those with known heart disease.
1 in 5 Americans has high blood pressure
1 in 2 Americans has elevated cholesterol