Function and Location
The urethra is the tube through which urine leaves the body. One end of the urethra is connected to the bladder. The other is open. In men, the urethra is within the penis.

Urine is the liquid waste made by the kidneys when they clean and filter the blood. Urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters to the bladder. The bladder holds the urine until a person urinates. Then urine flows from the bladder into the urethra and out of the body.
Conditions of the Urethra
- Urethral strictures
- Urethritis (urethral infection)
- Urethral diverticulum
- Urethral cancer
Additional Resources
For more information on conditions associated with the urethra, please see the following web sites:
American Association of Kidney Patients
American Foundation for Urologic Disease
American Urological Association
Kidney and Urology Foundation of America
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
National Kidney Foundation