Symptoms of dysphagia may include:
- Hesitation or inability to swallow
- Difficult or painful swallowing
- Constant feeling of a lump in the throat
- Food sticking in the throat
- Food coming up (regurgitation) through the throat or nose
- Chest pain or discomfort when swallowing
- Difficulty swallowing solid foods
- Frequent, repetitive swallowing
- Excessive throat clearing
- “Gurgly” sounding voice after eating
- Hoarse voice or recurrent sore throat
- Coughing during or after swallowing
- Necessity to “wash down” solid foods
- Recurrent episodes of pneumonia
- Frequent heartburn
- Food or stomach acid backing up into your throat (acid reflux)
- Unexpected weight loss
In infants and children, signs and symptoms may include:
- Low interest in feeding or meals
- Tension in the body while feeding
- Refusal to eat foods that have certain textures
- Lengthy feeding or eating times (30 minutes or longer)
- Food or liquid leaking from the mouth
- Coughing or gagging when eating or nursing
- Spitting up or vomiting during feeding or meals
- Strained breathing while eating and drinking
- Poor weight gain or growth