Healthy Choices for a Long and Healthy Life
Because nearly 40% of all deaths in America can be attributed to smoking, poor exercise habits, inadequate diet, and alcohol misuse, it’s pretty easy to see how you can add years to your life. Don’t smoke, get moving, eat healthy food and moderate any alcohol consumption.
Clearly, healthy behavior choices are one prescription for successful aging. Look to Strong Health’s Center for Lifetime Wellness to start you on a healthier path. Just call the Center at 585-760-6600 to discuss your options.
A Quick Review of Chronic Disease
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 88% of people over age 65 have at least one chronic health condition. The major chronic disease killers include heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes. Healthy behavior choices reduce the occurrence of chronic disease. Here are a few more facts and links.
- Arthritis and conditions related to arthritis are the leading cause of disability in the U.S. Go to Strong Health’s Orthopaedics program for more information.
- Heart disease is the nation’s leading cause of death. Three factors–tobacco, poor nutrition, and lack of exercise–are major contributors to heart disease.
- Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the U.S. To control cancer we need prevention, early detection, and high-quality treatment. Go the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center for more information.
- Aging brings increased risk of colorectal cancer, but improved screening tools and treatments have increased the chance of curing it.
- Breast cancer is also somewhat related to aging. Seventy-six percent of all diagnosed cases of breast cancer occur in women age 50 years and older. Find out what you need to know about breast care.
- Diabetes is an increasingly common chronic disease. About 20% of people 65 and older have diabetes.
- Epilepsy and seizures are more prevalent among the very young and the elderly. About 3% of all Americans will be diagnosed with epilepsy by the time they turn 80.
- Obesity among adults of all ages has doubled in the past 25 years. All of the other chronic diseases mentioned in this list are a greater risk to seniors who are seriously overweight or obese. In severe cases bariatric surgery may be recommended.
Are You 65 or Older? If So, You May Be Overdue for a Checkup!
Click here for tests and recommendations for healthy men and women age 65 and older who have no specific disease or additional risk factors. They’re recommendations only. Talk to your own physician to discuss your personal health guidelines in depth.
What is Elder Abuse?
Everybody’s heard of child abuse, but what about abuse of the elderly? Abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, and financial. Both neglect and self-neglect are forms of abuse. The Office of the Aging says that hundreds of thousands of seniors are abused, neglected, and exploited—often by family members—every year.
Learn more about elder abuse, including telephone hot lines to report suspected elder abuse to Adult Protective Services at the Department of Social Services. You do not have to identify yourself when making a report.