Each ampule or vial contains 75IU of human FSH (follicle stimulating hormone of recombinant DNA origin.)
Promotes the growth and development of follicles on the surface of the ovaries, which usually contain an egg. It is used in IVF to develop multiple eggs to be available for fertilization in the lab.
Side Effects
With careful monitoring of blood hormone levels and follicle growth by ultrasound, side effects are minimal but can include the following:
- Headache
- Mild to moderate ovarian enlargement
- Abdominal bloating or discomfort
- Temporary weight gain
- Nausea
- Insomnia
- Changes in mood
A rare but potential side effect is known as Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). It is characterized by sudden ovarian enlargement, with accumulation of fluid in the abdomen. Patients may experience abdominal enlargement, pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, and decreased urine output. In some cases, hospitalization may be necessary. Careful monitoring the response to the medications generally prevents OHSS.
Injection Instructions
- Wash and dry hands
- Get out all supplies needed:
- 3cc syringe with 22g 1 1/2″ needle
- Alcohol swipe
- 27g 1/2″ needle
- Band-aid
- Medication
- Gauze
Preparation of Medication
- Open syringe and needle.
- Insert needle into liquid vial and withdraw 1cc into the syringe.
- Inject the liquid into the vial of Follistim powder to dilute it and then draw that mixture back into the syringe. If your dose is greater than 75 IU you will have to repeat this step until you have mixed enough powder to equal your prescribed dose.
- Remove the 22G needle and put on a 27G needle for injection.
- Now that you have the medication in the syringe, tap at syringe to remove air bubbles and push on plunger to remove all excess air until all air is gone from the barrel of the syringe.
Administration of Medication
- Expose hip area. Wipe area for injection with alcohol.
- Grasp or spread area for injection with thumb and finger first.
- Dart needle between the spread fingers at a 90 degree angle. Draw plunger back to check for blood. If blood appears in syringe, pull needle out and choose another site in the upper outer quadrant. Repeat this step.
- If no blood appears, push plunger to inject the medication.
- Pull the needle out and rub area gently with gauze.
- Alternate sites daily.