When trying to conceive, a healthy lifestyle is very important. It may even affect your chance of conception. Many factors contribute to a healthy lifestyle including:
Fertility declines with age, with a very sharp drop in pregnancy rates seen after the age of 40. However, this age related decline in fertility is variable among individuals, and depend upon many factors including reason for infertility, duration of infertility, day 3 FSH, the Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test results, and the individual’s response to Gonadotropins. The physician team at Strong Fertility and Reproductive Science Center reserves the right to refuse treatment to any patient. It is the policy of the program not treat a patient for IVF after her 43rd birthday.
Good nutrition means a well-balanced diet with a balance of foods including grains, green and yellow vegetables and a variety of fruits. A look at the food pyramid will give you an idea of the right combinations of foods.
A multivitamin containing the right amount of folic acid is recommended. Folic Acid 400 mcg. should be taken daily while you are trying to conceive. This decreases the incidence of certain types of birth defects but needs to be taken prior to conception. To get exactly what you need, many health care providers recommend that women take prenatal vitamins.
Your weight is also important. If you are obese it might be a good idea to try to normalize your weight before attempting pregnancy. Obese women are prone to problems with ovulation, miscarriage and pregnancy complications. Ask your physician if weight loss would be advisable.
Good health at any time in your life involves a proper diet and getting enough exercise. Decide on an exercise program that is right for you and try to stick to it.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
Smoking, alcohol and recreational drug use can decrease your chances of conceiving and can be harmful to a developing baby. Some studies show that women who smoke are 25 percent less likely to conceive during a cycle. Talk to your health care provider if you need support in decreasing your use of any of these substances.
There are other substances that you may come in contact with at home or at your job that should be avoided during the time that you are trying to conceive and during early pregnancy.
You should also maintain your contact with a primary OB/GYN Physician. Annual GYN exams and Pap smears should be scheduled with your OB/GYN Physician throughout your treatment with your Fertility Specialist.
Some Questions to consider as you are trying to become pregnant….
- Am I eating a well-balanced diet?
- Am I taking the right kind of vitamin supplements?
- Do I need to gain or lose weight?
- Should I make changes in my lifestyle?
- Could medications that I am taking cause problems with fertility?
- Do I get too little or too much exercise?
- Does my work expose me to things that could be harmful?