A New Heart. A New Life
It’s hard to breathe . . .you’re unable to walk . . . there is little you can do with your children, grandchildren, or friends.
These are the tolls of Congestive Heart Failure. It’s a frightening, overwhelming disease, but it doesn’t have to mean the end of an active, fulfilling life.
You do have options.
Talk to Your Physician About a Heart Transplant
Contact Us:
Heart Failure and Transplantation
Strong Health Cardiology Group
Office: 585-273-3760
Fax: 585-273-1129
The benefits of a heart transplant can be dramatic: restoring your mobility, your energy, and your life. This is especially true for those under 65 years old who would ordinarily be looking forward to many active, happy years ahead.
Yet, this is not an easy decision. If, after talking with your cardiologist, you want to explore the possibility of a transplant, a member from the Strong Health Clinical Cardiology team will take the time to explain both the benefits and risks—helping you decide what choice is right for you.
Help to Get on With a New Life
Whether you are waiting for a transplant, or recovering from one, we have a wonderful support staff to help you get on with your new life. We offer various classes in nutrition and exercise for both patients and their families.
Sensitive, Compassionate Care
A heart is, in some ways, the greatest gift one human being can give another. It’s an awesome, life-changing responsibility for everyone involved: the patient, his/her family, caregivers, as well as for the donor’s family.
Throughout the process, we are sensitive to the needs of all concerned. At every step, we pay particular attention to each family’s right to respect, confidentiality, and dignity.
Call us at any time with your questions or concerns. Putting your mind at ease is one of our most important responsibilities.
More Information
Our Mailing Address
Program in Heart Failure and Transplantation
601 Elmwood Avenue
Box 679-T
Rochester, NY 14642