Refractive Surgery Center

Come To a Free LASIK Seminar

Before you trust your eyes to a surgeon, spend some time with him.

An educated patient is our best patient. We encourage you to attend one of our free informational seminars. We offer an opportunity to learn more about laser vision correction, meet the doctors and our team, ask questions, and take a tour of our facility.

To register, simply fill out the form below, and select the date of the seminar most convenient for you. We will send you an email confirming your reservation and provide directions to our office.

If one of these dates is not convenient, click here to see our full seminar schedule for 2007. To reserve a seat at a future seminar, please call us at 585-273-2020.

Select a Seminar

Wednesday, November 14th at 5:30 p.m
Saturday, December 1st at 9:30 a.m.
Name * :
Home Address:
Day Phone * :
Evening Phone * :
Home Email * :
How did you hear about StrongVision? *
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