Nutrient Criteria – Grocery

The Health Check nutrient criteria were developed by the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s registered dietitians based on the recommendations in Canada’s Food Guide and when applicable, Health Canada’s Nutrient Content Claims. As a pro-active program, Health Check’s nutrient criteria has evolved, taking into consideration developments in health science, nutrition trends and the eating habits of Canadians. Different food categories have different nutrient criteria. Health Check’s team of registered dietitians will work with your company to help you understand and meet the criteria.

Important notice for Food Manufacturers

The Health Check nutrient criteria are reviewed regularly and updated when necessary. Manufacturers should contact Health Check in the early stages of their product development process to ensure they can meet the most up-to-date nutrient criteria. For assistance, please contact Joanna Weinfeld at [email protected] or 613-569-4361 ext. 304

Criteria are available for the following food categories:

  • Vegetables and Fruit
  • Grain Products
  • Milk and Alternatives
  • Meat and Alternatives
  • Combination Foods
  • Oil and Fat
  • Other
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